Saturday, December 17, 2011

Exciting News

I finally got the 'okay' to share these pictures with you! At 8am on Thanksgiving Day, I snuck out of the house to go to Gracie's and take some super secret pictures. (Let me tell you... this was a very hard secret to keep!) Here are a few we took:

I am SOOOOOOOOO excited!! :)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dan & Karna are married!!

I've had a very busy month with Dan and Karna's wedding, my cousin's (which I got to be personal attendant at!) and finishing up my last semester at MSUM! Things have slowed down about a week, but I managed to get their gallery done tonight! I didn't have time to get a blog post before now, but I still wanted to share a few from that gorgeous day!

The weather was more than perfect for a November day and it was such a great day. These two are so laid back and fun and I just know they will have a fabulous life together!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Dear Santa