I am in the middle of 'Finals Week' and decided to spend the time resting/studying at my parents. When I got here last night, the tree was up! Why was I surprised? Mom said she was putting it up on Tuesday. It normally takes her at least a week to get it all Martha Stewart style and very precisely decorated, but she had it done in a day. Impressive.
Grace is spending the day here today. I was sleeping when she first got here, but was soon awoken by a very excited puppy who heard her arrive. I opened my door to see her grinning at me and she told me that she was going to jump on me to wake me up! As I was trying to wake up, she ran around and played fetch with Oliver. Then we made caramel rolls! She is a very good helper, even though she probably eats more than she makes. We don't have to worry about what to do with leftovers though, I guess!
Then, she and Grandma made a gingerbread house! Grace proves to be just as precise when decorating. But, hey, it pays off. It looks great! Again, she ate more frosting and candy than what she put on the house, but that is just one of the many benefits of Christmas!
Grandma put a few finishing frosting touches on the house and... Viola!
The finished product with the sugared up 2.5 year old in front of her "Gamma's Kissmass tree." (Notice the frosting in her mouth.)
She is currently suppose to be taking a nap, but as I type this... I can hear her giggling. Apparently her and Oliver are having a slumber party. I don't know whether to laugh or be upset that I wasn't invited.
We still have lots more planned for today, including going over to 'Gampa Gampa's house' (Great Grandpa and Grandma's house). Have a sweet weekend, everyone! :)